Senin, 11 Februari 2019

The Golden Fleeced

The world is in a real mess. 
We (let's start with Europe and USA) have been trapped through our desire for riches — trapped by entitlement and a simultaneous disregard for those at a disadvantage i.e. the poor of the world — those who make up over half the world's population. 

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It appears to be OUR turn to be fleeced. While we ignored the fleecing of our own infrastructure — allowing the corporations to flee our national borders, to take advantage of cheap labor aboard, to abuse that cheap labor (for starters) — our future was being written on a promissory note— trading our future labor potential for the debt we accrued. Within this fiscal agreement, our labor is the only real human resource we can barter. Our labor potential is promised for debt that can NEVER be paid within our lifetime. Instead, our unwillingness to take responsibility for a flawed monetary system will be passed on to the children to come. They will be born and live in debt slavery. And all because we allowed it. 

Raising the "debt ceiling" is raising the debt for the children of the future. 
The other option, the 'choice' of default, is nothing short of handing over public assets and national resources to private institutions and banks. What kind of a choice is this? 

So, while my generation was partying and singing along with Bob Marley tunes about the "days of slavery" we never considered that it was our responsibility to actually commit ourselves to ending the slavery we were creating. 

The party is over and the bill is overdue. 
Investigate the principles behind Equal Money for All. It is a common sense proposal that needs your help. 
Yes, you. 

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